Embark on a magical adventure with the Dan&Darci Unicorn Hatching Eggs! This enchanting set is a wonder-filled journey for kids aged 3 and up, bringing the mystical world of unicorns right into your home. Watch your little ones' eyes sparkle with delight as they add water and eagerly anticipate the hatching of their very own unicorn friend. Over the course of three days, these eggs magically hatch and grow up to an astonishing 600%, revealing colorful, adorable unicorns. Each egg in the set features a unique color gradient, promising a rainbow of surprise unicorns. Ideal for nurturing patience, understanding of growth, and love for all things magical, the Unicorn Hatching Eggs are the perfect gift for curious minds and unicorn enthusiasts. Add a touch of enchantment to playtime with these captivating hatching unicorn eggs!